Company Name: Alexvan Oil and Gas Company
14 Kutozovskin Prospect , 371009, Ekateriniburg Russia Ekaterinburg Ekaterinburg 385000 Russia
+7 - 952 - 2164029
+7 - 926 - 9213906
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Alexvan Oil and gas company is a notable brokers company and we are connected directly with major refineries in Russia and we offer the following product for sale fromthe reifnery.ONLY SERIOUS BUYER !!REBCO - Russia exportable blend crude oil | SLCO - saudi light crude oil,BLCO - bonny light crude oil | Gasoline - gasoline | Asphalt - asfalt| MAZUT -100, 75, 99, etc. | LPG - liquefied gas of petroleum | LNG - natural gas | Jet fuel - airplaine kerosene | D-2 -Diesel and Products Crude Oil , SHCO Saudi Heavy Crude Oil , ILCO Iranian Light Crude Oil , IHCO Iranian Heavy Crude Oil ,OLCO Oman Light Light Crude Oil , OBCO Oman Blended Crude Oil , BLO Basra Light Crude Oil , KLO Kurkok Light Crude Oil , VLO Venezuelan Light Oil , Refined Products , Gas Oil "EN-590" , RGD Regular Grade Diesel , PGD Premium Grade Diesel ( HSD ) , SGD Super Grade Diesel , Regular Petrol RON 87 Premium Petrol RON 93 , Unleaded Petrol RON 95 , Super Premium RON 97 , HFO Heating Fuel Oil , HSFO High Sulphur Fuel Oil LSFO Low Sulphur Fuel Oil ,Kerosene,Bitumen ,