Hebei Huamao Filter Elements Co., Ltd.
Heping Street, Hengshui, Hebei, China Hengshui Hebei 053600 China
86 - 311 - 84391200
86 - 311 - 84391201
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As professional manufacturer of filter elements and other filter related products, Hebei Huamao Filter Elements Co., Ltd. mainly designs and produces the most complete range of filter elements (pleated type and cylinder type), leaf filters, filter discs screen, filter baskets and other filter fittings for worldwide customers. Huamao is experienced with cutting, perforating, pleating, welding and other process involved in producing of filter products. Our filter elements products are exported to Taiwan, Thailand, German, the USA and some other countries with good quality at competitive price. Filter elements make majority of our filter products. Pleated filter elements enjoy the characteristics of long life span, easy cleaning, low cost, reduced pressure drop, increased filtration area, etc. Stainless steel filter elements we manufacture are widely used in chemical fiber, petroleum, chemical industry, electric power, pharmaceutics, machinery, metallurgy, ceramics, dispose of sewage, foodstuff and beverage, cosmetic etc.